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Female white toothy smile


Maybe you have a large cavity filling, or a tooth that had a root canal. Perhaps your tooth is discolored and veneers weren’t the right choice. Or maybe you bit down on something hard and the tooth hasn’t felt right since. It might be time to consider a crown/Onlay/Inlay!

What are Crowns/Onlay?

Crowns/Onlay are restorations that have become the preferred choice for restoring teeth that has larger amount of defective surfaces or root canal, grinded teeth, decay, or teeth with fracture that is prone to breaking under daily stress.

What Does a Crown/Onlay Do?

Crowns provide full coverage and Onlay provides more conservative coverage for teeth that are likely to break or are too damaged for traditional fillings. When you receive a crown, you’ll notice several benefits, including:

  • Strengthening heavily restored teeth to prevent future fractures

  • Restoring lost tooth structure from heavy grinding

  • Improving tooth aesthetics

  • Relieving pain from damage or fractures

What to Expect During Your Crown/Onlay Procedure

First Appointment

During your initial visit at Goodday Dental Care in Orange, CA, we’ll administer local anesthesia to numb the tooth being treated. Dr. Kim will then prepare the tooth conservatively to make room for the crown/Onlay. A impression of the tooth will be taken to create a custom-fit crown. A temporary crown will be made, polished, and cemented in place to protect your tooth until the final crown is ready. Avoid sticky foods near the treated tooth to keep the temporary crown in place.


Second Appointment

At your follow-up appointment, the temporary crown will be removed, and the final porcelain crown will be fitted. A dental X-ray ensures a quality fit and aesthetic approval. An adhesive will be applied to the tooth, and the crown will be permanently cemented. Dr. Kim will provide instructions on caring for your new crown.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a cavity under a crown?

Yes, crowns require the same care as natural teeth to prevent cavities.


Can I get a crown without a root canal?

Yes, crowns are often recommended when more than 50% of the tooth structure is compromised.


Can you eat normally with a crown?

Yes, you can eat normally once the crown is in place.


Can flossing loosen a crown?

Proper flossing techniques will not loosen a crown.


Can food get trapped under a crown?

If a crown is not fitted properly, food can get trapped. Custom-fit crowns are designed to prevent this issue.


Can front teeth be crowned?

Yes, front teeth can be crowned with porcelain to match the natural color of surrounding teeth.


Can you replace a crown with another crown?

Yes, crowns can be replaced if the underlying tooth structure is still in good condition.


Why would I need a crown?

Crowns are needed for large cavities, root canal-treated teeth, teeth damaged from grinding, or fractured teeth.


Does getting a crown hurt?

The procedure should not hurt with anesthesia. Mild discomfort or sensitivity may occur after the anesthesia wears off.


Is there anything I need to avoid after getting a crown?

Avoid sticky or hard foods for the first 24 hours. Refrain from eating solid foods for the first 30 minutes post-procedure.


Can I brush regularly with a crown?

Yes, maintain regular brushing and flossing to ensure oral health and crown longevity.


What are crowns made of?

Crowns can be varies types

1. PFM: Porcelain with metal inside

2. Zirconia

3. E.max

4. Gold

Pros and cons of each type can be discussed with Dr. Kim during treatment planning. 


How long will my appointment take when getting a crown?

Each appointment takes about 60 minutes. The first involves preparing the tooth and placing a temporary crown, and the second involves fitting the permanent crown.

Schedule Your Appointment

Ready to improve your dental health with a crown? Contact Goodday Dental Care in Orange, CA, to schedule your appointment. Fill out our online contact form or call us at (657) 282-0078.

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